
What's the RTSP URL of IP Camera and how to play it in VLC Media Player?

  • Author:Grace
  • Source:www.mvteamcctv.com
  • Release on :2016-12-06
RTSP is in short for Real Time Streaming Protocol, it's a network control protocol designed for use in entertainment and communications systems to control streaming media servers.MVTEAM IP Cameras support RTSP video stream,that means user can use media player to watch the live video from anywhere.
What's the RTSP URL of IP Camera and how to play it in VLC Media Player?
 IP Camera MVT-M2780 Live Video on VLC Media Player

What's the RTSP URL of IP Camera?
For MVTEAM IP Cameras,the RTSP URL is rtsp://+IP Address of IPC.For example,the IP address of IPC is,then,RTSP address is rtsp://

How to play the RTSP Video Stream in VLC Media Player?
Firsly,login the IPC in browser,enable the RTSP function in network setting interface as below:
What's the RTSP URL of IP Camera and how to play it in VLC Media Player?

Secondly,get the IP address of IPC.

Thirdly,download a VLC media player from http://www.videolan.org/vlc/, it's a free player.
Download,install and open the VLC media player.
Then,choose Media-->Open Network Stream-->Network-->Input the RTSP URL as below:

Finally,click play will see the live video of IP cameras. 

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